The tournament ist limited to 90 players.
Juniors: 15€
everyone else: 30€
Every player will receive a player's package.
The estimated total amount of prize money will be 1000€.
Everyone living in Germany has to be a member of the DFV in order to be able to register for the tournament. Players not living in Germany do not have to be a member of the DFV.
Registration is open now and has to be performed via the German Tour system. In Order to use the system, you have to create an account first if you do not have one yet. Do not worry, an English translation is available. If you are a resident of Germany, you have to be a member of the DFV in order to be able to register for the tournament. It may take a few days if you just registered your account at the GT System. If you are not a German resident, you can continue registering for the Berlin Open straight after you created your GT account.
For our guests from outside Germany, I guess a few words of explanation about the way spots are given to players are in order now. There are 90 spots, of those we can hand out 22 wildcards. The remaining 68 spots are divided up, there is a fixed number of spots available for each division. Within the first three weeks of the registration process (that is, until April 8th) those spots are reserved for those players that performed the best at the German Tour within the last 12 months. Everyone else will be put on the waiting list for their specific division, again ranked according to their German Tour performance within the last 12 months. Players that did not play a German Tour tournament within the last 12 months will be ranked at the end of the list - priority is then given to those that registered first. After the initial three weeks all spots (except the wildcard spots) are filled up with the first players from the waiting list. If players did not secure their spot by paying the tournament fees on time, they will lose their spot and the next player from the waiting list for that division will get a chance.
Unfortunately this means that most players from outside Germany have a disadvantage - they most likely did not play any German Tour tournmanet within the last 12 months. To help amend that disadvantage for our guests from Denmark and other countries, we will hand out the majority of our wildcards to those players. So if you are on the waiting list after April 8 and would like to receive a wildcard, please contact me. Please also do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the registration process or the tournament.
Once you receive a message that you have a spot on our tournament, you will have to secure the spot by paying your tournament fee on time. This does not apply while you are on the waiting list. The current rules for German Tour tournmaments say that we have to receive your payment until April 8th if you received a starting place before April 9th. If you received your starting place between April 9 and April 28, we have to receive your fee on April 28th. I will make sure that wildcards are not given too close to those dates. The rules in short:
spot (reserved starting place, moved in from waiting list, wildcard or free spot (after April 8th)) was given during:
March 18 - April 8: payment due until April 8th (only applies to players who earned enough GT-points within the last 12 months)
April 9 - 28: payment due until April 28th
later: payment due 14 days after spot was given
The tournmanemt fee (30 or 15 €) has to be transferred to the following account:
Account holder: Frank Neitzel
IBAN: DE85200411550445797400
Please note the name(s) the payment is for.
If you have to pay more than the normal banking fees to send us the money, please contact us before paying. We will try to find a better solution then. And if you have trouble sending us the money on time, please contact us also.
If you cancel before June 3rd, you will receive your full payment, reduced only by baning fees.
If you cancel after June 3rd but before June 10th, you will receive 50% of your payment.
If you cancel after June 10th, you will be refunded at the discretion of the tournament director, and you will receive your players package (by mail if needed).
Every player will play 3 rounds of 18 holes. After the third round a cut is made after the 36 best players. In the open division there will be a semi final and a final round, the other divisions will have their final round at the same time the open semi final is played.
Doubles will be played on Friday evening. We will play the doubles in the best drive mode: Both players drive, then they decide where to continue from. After the drive, you have to continue in the alternate shot mode, starting with the player whose drive was not chosen.
Details about lunch and snacks are published at the registration page. You can change your chosen option there at any time before the tournament.