Welcome to the Berlin Open 2011 Website!
The 24th Berlin Open Disc Golf Championships 2011 will be held on June 17-19 at the Volkspark Rehberge in Berlin. This year they are part of the German Tour (as a B tier tournament), but nonetheless they are open to players from other countries as well. The rules of play are the ones published by the PDGA.

New on the tounament webpage
The following information was added within the last few days:

  • Informations about the Doubles-Mode (Best Drive, then Alternate Shot until the next hole)
  • Links to two articles about the tournament added (scroll down to Photos and Reports)
  • Information about the places we will try to publish scores during the tournament (for those of you staying at home, scroll down to Results)
  • We finally have a new map of this years course map of this years course.

The tournament is held at the Volkspark Rehberge, a beautiful park located in the northern part of Berlin. The location is roughly 2 km east of the Tegel airport and 5 km noth of the western part of the city center.
If you understand German or are willing to use a computer generated translation, you can find out more information from the city administration or at the German Wikipedia article.
You can also take a view from above at Google maps.

Registration and Payment
The Registration has to be done via the online system of the German Tour. Registration started on April 18th, more information can be found at the procedure section.

During the tournament, we will publish the results each evening at the pdga results page. Each noon we will try to publish a photo of the scores at the blog of Scheibenfrollein. After the tournament, results will be published both via the PDGA page as well as via the German Tour system.

Photos and Reports
Berlin Open 2011
Frank published a german article on discgolf.de.
Scheibenfrollein and Par-Ole plan to live-blog from the tournament. In a comment they mentioned they will mostly blog pictures, but will also write some words in english for those that unfortunately have to stay home in Denmark or other countries. Berlin Open 2010
There are some photos from last years Berlin Open at the Britzer Garten, unfortunately the texts are in German only:
Photos by Viro
Photos by Scheibenfrollein
and a Live-Blog from last years tournament.

Skander Morgenthaler
tel. +49 (0)30 426 3227
email: berlinopen@discgolf-berlin.de